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The Pitch Episode 131: CSI the Competition


Still think you are the only, first and best? Learn how to stay cutting edge as you continue to differentiate yourself in a sea of copycats.

The Pitch Episode 131:
CSI the Competition


There’s no one else like us. We are the first. We are the only ones doing this work. We are number one. I have heard these phrases over and over again with every new client. I used to take them at their word, but now I investigate their competition like a crime scene. Before you buy the line that you are the only one, pull off the blindfold and take a look at what your competitors are doing. The thought of doing this can be so deflating. When I first launched my company 16 years ago, I didn’t know any other PR firm that was using the word “pitch” in their name, but now I actually see it used a lot. “The Pitch” challenge today: Investigate your competition and don’t be threatened. It’s better for you to know who is out there doing something similar to you, so you know how to pitch against them without defaulting to the easy position of: “we are the first” “we are the only” – Maybe the message is: you helped start a trend that others are now following OR you were part of a movement that’s now part of our daily lives. Investigating the competition on a regular basis also helps you to stay on the cutting edge as you continue to differentiate yourself in a sea of copycats. And just like a crime scene investigation, the less bias you go into it with, the more insight you’ll find to confirm your identity.


Who is your competition in work, school or life?
What makes you, your product or service different or unique?
What gives you a competitive advantage?

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