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The Pitch Episode 2: Those Who Ask Receive More


Ancient words we have all heard before but why is it so hard to ASK for what we want? Learn how to be more direct in your pitch. 

The Pitch Episode 2:
Those Who Ask Receive More


“Ask and you shall receive.”  I’m sure you have heard this ancient but wise phrase before.  But why is the “ask” so difficult to execute? Most of the time, it’s the fear of the “no” or rejection that prevents us from asking for what we want.  At the end of every pitch there must be an “ask,” and the stronger and more direct the “ask,” the less time you’ll spend trying to sell someone on your idea.  The “ask” should do just what it says it does: it should “ask” a question at the end of your pitch. Your “ask” should be direct, specific, bold and end with a question mark. The receiver then has to respond. If your ask ends with a period then, the person you are pitching doesn’t necessarily have to respond. For example, if you end your pitch with: “Let me know what you think.” – There’s no urgency there. Versus ending your pitch with: “Would you like to schedule an appointment on Monday?” If the response is, “No, Monday doesn’t work,” then that just opens the door to scheduling on another day.  Don’t be afraid to make the “ask” very direct. The worse response will be, “no” which will just put you in the same position that you are already in. Those who ask do receive more than those who never ask. “The Pitch” challenge today: before you make your pitch, review your ask.  Is it direct? Is it specific? Is it bold? Does it end in a question mark? And if you do receive a “no,” embrace it, because a no is always better than a “no answer” and gives you the freedom to move on to your next pitch.


What words can you use to turn a statement into a question?
How can you simplify your requests?
What’s the worse thing that will happen if you just ask?

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