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The Nutrition Business Journal presented the Education Award to INICIVOX® for the Elephant in the Room Sexism Series on July 26 at the NBJ Summit! INICIVOX® founder and series director, Amy Summers, accepted the award on July 26 at the NBJ Summit Awards Dinner from Nutrition Business Journal content and insights director, Bill Giebler and editor in chief, Rick Polito, with deep gratitude to the many leaders in the natural products industry whose involvement, stories and insights made this important conversation possible.

The Identifying the Elephant in the Room series used open communications and dialogue as a tool to bring a deeper awareness to the realities of #sexism in the natural products industry. INICIVOX® approached this topic in an informative and transparent manner, empowering industry leaders to make immediate and tangible changes for the health and sustainability of our industry.

One female panelist, Mariam Elghani, founder and CEO of Mariam’s Garlic Sauce said, “The experience of speaking as a panelist at Elephant in the Room sexism series was transformative in that I felt welcomed, heard and respected for my experience as a survivor, but also as a growing entrepreneur. Simply to be recognized and believed is an empowering experience.”

One male panelist, Elan Sudberg, CEO of Alkemist Labs said, “While I knew sexual harassment and assault still happens, after hearing what our female colleagues go through on a daily basis throughout their professional careers, I now understand how bad it really is. I was absolutely shocked at some of the stories. We must continue to have this discussion until such experiences are no longer normal and those who perpetuate it stop feeling comfortable doing so. We ALL need to call it out when it happens.”

This Elephant in the Room sexism series brought a deeper level of awareness, but it also brought immediate action and change for many who participated, including Carlotta Mast, SVP and market leader at New Hope Network who led an effort, along with her NBJ Summit Co-Chair, Thomas Aarts to dramatically increase the number of female CEOs at NBJ Summit to 35% (an increase from 24% in 2022).

See the entire Elephant in the Room series at and continue using communications as a tool for change. Together, let’s say goodbye to all the elephants in the room. #GoodbyeElephants 🐘