The Pitch Episode 12: Reel In Response Time
Would a fisherman sit back and not reel in a fish if it grabs the bait? Never. Learn
how to reel in your response time with pitching to increase your close rate.
Reel In Response Time
Response time with pitching is super critical to closing a deal. If someone finally responds to your pitch, respond back immediately. It doesn’t matter if it’s the weekend, midnight or not during normal business hours. We are not playing “dating games” when pitching, the objective is to always close the deal. Would a fisherman sit back and not reel in a fish if it grabs the bait? Never. As soon as that fish snags the bait, the fisherman hooks it and reels it in. This same strategy should be used in pitching. As soon as some responds to your pitch, respond back. If you are on deadline with closing a deal respond back in more than one way. Let’s say they respond to your pitch by email; then reply to the email and call them. You can say to them on the phone, “I see that you are available right now so I just wanted to catch you to finalize all the details more efficiently.” When someone makes the time to move forward with you on whatever you are pitching them, that’s always the time to close the deal. If you make them wait, they could move on to another offer or decide not to move forward at all. “The Pitch” challenge today: focus in on three pitches you are trying to close. Be hyper vigilant about checking email, text or phone messages from those hot leads so you don’t miss any responses. If you hear nothing back from your leads in three days, re-approach with a shorter follow-up pitch using at least two forms of communication, such as email and phone. Note your response time when they do reply and then note the date and time you closed the deal. Do this for all three leads so you can see the correlation between your response time and closing a deal. When you reel in your response time your close rate will multiply.
When’s the last time you had contact with these leads?
What can you actively do today to move the lead closer to closing?